Unravelling the dynamic effect of direct acting antiviral treatments on the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis C
IWHOD (Communication orale)
No impact of DAAs on recurrent HCC tumor growth in the AFEF/ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort
EASL et JFHOD (Poster)
IWHOD (Communication orale)
No impact of DAAs on recurrent HCC tumor growth in the AFEF/ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort
EASL et JFHOD (Poster)
Genetic diversity of genotype 6 HCV infections in France: epidemiology and consequences for treatment strategy
EASL (poster)
Sofosbuvir plus ribavirin and sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir-based regimens are suboptimal in genotype 2 patients: real-life experience
EASL (poster)
Severe adverse events and direct acting antivirals in the French cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFRAVIH (poster)
First prospective evidence of decreased mortality after Direct acting antivirals in the French ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort
AFRAVIH et JFHOD (communication orale)
A French Cohort of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infected Patients-ANRS CO-22 Hepather
AASLD (poster)
EASL (poster)
Sofosbuvir plus ribavirin and sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir-based regimens are suboptimal in genotype 2 patients: real-life experience
EASL (poster)
Severe adverse events and direct acting antivirals in the French cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFRAVIH (poster)
First prospective evidence of decreased mortality after Direct acting antivirals in the French ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort
AFRAVIH et JFHOD (communication orale)
A French Cohort of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infected Patients-ANRS CO-22 Hepather
AASLD (poster)
First prospective evidence of decreased mortality after Direct acting antivirals in the French ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort
AFEF (Communication orale) et AASLD (Poster LB)
Safety an efficacy of the combination Sofosbuvir-Ledipasvir in HCV mono-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFEF (Poster) et AASLD (Poster)
Severe adverse events and direct acting antivirals in the French cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFEF (Poster) et AASLD (Poster)
Effect of resistance-associated substitutions (RASs) on retreatment of DAA-exposed patients in the real-world setting - S Chevaliez et al.
EASL (Communication orale) et AFEF (Poster)
Early identification of drug-related adverse events on a patient cohort: a disproportionality analysis of the ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort study
IWHOD (Communication orale) et AFEF (Poster)
Short-Term Clinical Effectiveness of Direct Acting Agents in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C-Virus Infection: Findings from the ANRS CO22 HEPATHER Cohort Study
IWHOD (Communication orale)
AFEF (Communication orale) et AASLD (Poster LB)
Safety an efficacy of the combination Sofosbuvir-Ledipasvir in HCV mono-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFEF (Poster) et AASLD (Poster)
Severe adverse events and direct acting antivirals in the French cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFEF (Poster) et AASLD (Poster)
Effect of resistance-associated substitutions (RASs) on retreatment of DAA-exposed patients in the real-world setting - S Chevaliez et al.
EASL (Communication orale) et AFEF (Poster)
Early identification of drug-related adverse events on a patient cohort: a disproportionality analysis of the ANRS CO22 HEPATHER cohort study
IWHOD (Communication orale) et AFEF (Poster)
Short-Term Clinical Effectiveness of Direct Acting Agents in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C-Virus Infection: Findings from the ANRS CO22 HEPATHER Cohort Study
IWHOD (Communication orale)
Clinical outcomes in HCV-infected patients treated with direct acting antivirals – 18 months post-treatment follow-up in the French ANRS CO22 HEPATHER Cohort study
EASL (poster LB) et AFEF (communication orale)
Cross-sectional Study of Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence in association with monoinfected patients Hepatitis C virus in ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort
ASN, AFEF et AASLD (poster)
Safety and efficacy of the combination Viekiera/Exvira in HCV genotype 1- or 4-mono-infected patients from the French cohort– ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFEF et AASLD (poster)
Negative Impact of HBV/HCV Coinfection on HBV or HCV Monoinfection: Data from the French ANRS CO22 HEPATHER Cohort
IWHOD (poster)
Lack of evidence of a potential effect of Direct Acting Antivirals on the recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
ILCA (communication orale)
Impact des antiviraux direcs sur les lymphomes de la zone marginale associés au virue de l'hépatite C, données de la cohorte ANSR CO22 HEPATHER
SFH (poster)
EASL (poster LB) et AFEF (communication orale)
Cross-sectional Study of Chronic Kidney Disease Prevalence in association with monoinfected patients Hepatitis C virus in ANRS CO22 Hepather cohort
ASN, AFEF et AASLD (poster)
Safety and efficacy of the combination Viekiera/Exvira in HCV genotype 1- or 4-mono-infected patients from the French cohort– ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AFEF et AASLD (poster)
Negative Impact of HBV/HCV Coinfection on HBV or HCV Monoinfection: Data from the French ANRS CO22 HEPATHER Cohort
IWHOD (poster)
Lack of evidence of a potential effect of Direct Acting Antivirals on the recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
ILCA (communication orale)
Impact des antiviraux direcs sur les lymphomes de la zone marginale associés au virue de l'hépatite C, données de la cohorte ANSR CO22 HEPATHER
SFH (poster)
Negative impact of HBV/HCV coinfection on HBV or HCV monoinfection: data from the French cohort– ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
JFHOD et EASL (poster)
Relationship between HCV genotype, liver co-morbidities and fibrosis in the French cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
JFHOD et EASL (poster)
Safety and efficacy of sofosbuvir-containing regimens in the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
EASL (poster)
Efficacy of the oral sofosbuvir-based combinations in HCV genotype 4-mono-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
EASL (poster LB)
Safety and efficacy of the combination daclatasvir-sofosbuvir in genotype 1-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
EASL (communication orale LB)
Safety and efficacy of the combination simeprevir-sofosbuvir in HCV genotype 1- and 4-mono-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AASLD (poster) et AFEF (communication orale)
Daclatasvir plus Sofosbuvir with or without Ribavirin in Genotype 3 patients from a large French multicenter compassionate use programme
EASL (poster)
JFHOD et EASL (poster)
Relationship between HCV genotype, liver co-morbidities and fibrosis in the French cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
JFHOD et EASL (poster)
Safety and efficacy of sofosbuvir-containing regimens in the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
EASL (poster)
Efficacy of the oral sofosbuvir-based combinations in HCV genotype 4-mono-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
EASL (poster LB)
Safety and efficacy of the combination daclatasvir-sofosbuvir in genotype 1-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
EASL (communication orale LB)
Safety and efficacy of the combination simeprevir-sofosbuvir in HCV genotype 1- and 4-mono-infected patients from the French observational cohort ANRS CO22 HEPATHER
AASLD (poster) et AFEF (communication orale)
Daclatasvir plus Sofosbuvir with or without Ribavirin in Genotype 3 patients from a large French multicenter compassionate use programme
EASL (poster)